Labourers, boatmen, stonemasons, rulers, hosts, or well-meaning travellers sit at the same table if they are connected by a solid thread – a drop of quality. Throughout history, all structures of society and all forms of hedonism have cultivated a culture of growing vines and drinking wine products.
Wine, without false modesty, stops our breath and makes every moment special. We are here to offer satisfaction for your eyes and palate – we are in control of the feeling you will want to repeat.
The wine reflects the character of the winemaker, but even more so the space from which it originates. Here you will get the Mediterranean in a cup, a combination of the character you love and the relaxation you crave for at the end of the day. And no matter how slippery and elusive the drops from the beginning of the story were, the brain remembers where and when it was best and returns to the same place. Welcome and welcome back.
Cheers !